We're Making An Impact On Hunger
Feeding America’s Hungry Children was established to provide a transportation link between national food products donors (who have the food surplus) and the independently operated food banks across the country who distribute this life-saving food to those who need it most.

As a Christian non-profit organization, Feeding America’s Hungry Children is purposed to stop food waste and eliminate child hunger altogether. And through God’s grace and the help of supporters like you that future mission will become a past accomplishment.

How We Use Food Rescue To Help Hungry Children
This activity includes obtaining excess Fruits And Vegetables from Food Brokers. We develop relations with food Brokers and obtain their excess produce that though it is nutritionally good it can not be marketed because of lack of demand. As it is costly to them to have to haul it to the landfill and pay dumping fees they will gladly ask us to pick it up from them.